honey whole wheat bread |
go to your basement, reach deep in your cupboard, crawl in that closet - go find your bread machine. most of you have one. go dig it out, dust it off and make
THIS BREAD. just do it gosh darnnit. it's easy, it's good, it's healthy. my 4yo knows the ingredient list, makes it with me, and gobbles it down. the recipe is from my BFF lisa over at
100 days of real food. recipes like this make it easy to choose real food over the processed stuff. this bread has 6 ingredients. six. and i bet you have most of the stuff in your kitchen pantry already. go grab the bread you bought at the grocery store. how many ingredients does that have? just sayin'.
thanks for reading. and, make the bread.
You are too cute....my bread maker is in the garage :)