Wednesday, April 25, 2012

an apple a day . . .

do you do organic? if so what? everything? somethings? nothing? according to an article  click here for article they say if you only buy and eat one thing organic it should be APPLES! hmm who would of thought? not me. i would of said milk or meat? i have to make a confession. . . we don't buy organic apples.
a couple of years ago my husband and i bought an apple tree, yes you read that right, an apple tree!  every year the tree has produced little apples and before they had a chance to grow the deer came into our back yard and ate them. so last year i had my husband fence the back of the yard since that was the only part the the yard that was not fenced in.  so i hope this year the apples make it for us to enjoy them!!!

 the reasons they list to buy organic apples are interesting;
 however, if i were to only buy one thing organic i still don't think it would be apples. having said that, i am  just an ordinary mom, not a doctor...not a scientist...just a ordinary mom!!!  it took me a long
loooooong time to "believe" in organic, and we still still don't buy all organic. that is just my belief's. my thought is how can something be grown organic on the west side of the us and then shipped across country and still be "clean and free of yuck"  i would rather support my local farmers.

there is a chemical linked to adhd that is used on 59% of apple orchards in the u.s. and it is also linked to lowering iq's according to the usda. with that being said, i will start to find a local organic farm to get our apples.

check out the article and make up your own mind!

i guess an apple a day does keep the doctor away


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