Monday, April 16, 2012

what i'm spending money on.

"isn't eating healthy expensive?" i get this question a lot when i tell friends that i'm choosing to serve healthier options to my family. yeah, our produce total is high. but my 'crap' total is low. i'm not buying all those snacks we used to eat. like granola bars, fruit snacks, little paks of cookies and even worse, those paks of crackers with the weird orange cheese that you spread on with a little red spreader thing-y. yes, my daughter was eating those. but only because i was buying them. so i stopped buying them and guess what? she survived. she's snacking on fruits, yogurt, cheese, more fruit, dried fruit, freeze dried fruit, peanuts, chocolate chips if she needs a little chocolate, cause who doesn't? we have not kicked the goldfish habit though. those are like crack for kids. for real. the other day new friends came over for a play date and i offered berries and bananas for a snack and the 2yo looks at me and says "goldfish please" in the cutest darn voice. i have a recipe for cheese crackers that we need to try. it uses three ingredients compared to like 18 on this bag of goldfish i'm holding. and some of those ingredients, eeeek, i don't even want to tell you what they are. (i'll post about all that craziness later) other items i'm spending money on are spices. instead of buying bottles of marinades and sauces i'm making them. we were die-hard good seasons salad dressing fans. we make dressing now using oil, vinegar and spices. same with ranch dressing, you can easily make it at home. so yeah eating real food, healthy food, good, tasty food is expensive BUT we're saving tons by not buying all that crappy stuff. it's working for us. i'm going to keep it up. i see that scale going down. that's the type of motivation i like! thanks for reading.

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