Tuesday, March 27, 2012

some days you just need a brownie. or four.

i've been doing so well. trying new recipes. paying attention to what goes in my mouth. and also, what doesn't. i think i need to start a food journal. it's not that i'm counting calories or measuring food. more as a reminder of what i haven't eaten for the day. i forget to eat fruits and veggies. isn't that awful. but i really do. i forget to drink water too. it's not that i'm having soda and junk food instead. it's just sometimes the day gets away from me and i forget to eat & drink. but not today. today, i had a brownie. well, maybe four. a dear friend suffered a loss in her family and i'm making a meal to bring over. and when you make a meal you need to include something sweet. it's like a rule. i think there's a law about it...'when bringing a meal to a family you must include dessert, some kind of sweet treat. and the gal who is providing the meal must taste test said sweet treat.'...and boy was it sweet. hot dang. brownies by jackie are pretty much the. best. brownies. EVER. like eveerrrrrrrrrrr. i'm feeling giddy from all the sugar and will share the recipe with you. but be prepared, they are pretty hardcore, watch yourselves.
oh yeah, nothing good for you about these brownies. but one bite will make you forget all about the butter and sugar. lots of sugar. but sometimes, like in this case, you just need a sweet treat to share with a friend.

brownies by jackie

2 sticks butter
4 squares unsweetened chocolate
2 cups sugar
4 well beaten eggs
1 cup flour (unsifted)
1 teaspoon vanilla
3/4 cups walnuts (i skip these)

melt chocolate and butter in medium saucepan. remove from heat. add sugar and mix. add 1/2 beaten eggs, then flour. mix well. add remaining eggs, vanilla and nuts. mix well. pour into greased 9x13 inch pan. bake at 325` for 35 minutes - no longer.

thanks for reading.


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